Monday, March 7, 2011

Viva Las Vegas

My sister called me three weeks ago and asked if we had any plans for 03/02 to 03/04 and if not would we want to come meet her and her husband in Vegas.  That was a no brainer!  We would be there!  Brian didn't want me driving 5hrs by myself so I asked my mom if she wanted to come and of course her answer was yes as well. 

The trip out was pretty uneventful.  Greyson cried a little, we stopped while I feed him and my mom took Cole to stretch his legs.  We made about 4 stops and got to Vegas in a little over 5hrs.  I was so great to see my sister.  It had been over 15 months and boy have I missed her smile, her laugh and her in general.  Even though we talk daily and I feel extremely close to her seeing her was amazing!  I was so happy to introduce her to Greyson and I know Cole loved playing with his aunt and uncle! 

The first night we walked around a few hours and played the tourist.  Cole slept most of the time in the stroller and Greyson was passed out in the baby carrier. 

On the second day we meet up for breakfast and then do what we do best...go outlet mall shopping :)  We had a wonderful afternoon of giggles, sharing stories and the boys were spoiled with kisses. 

2pm came way to fast but and it was time to hit the road. Greyson wasn't as good as a traveler coming home and there were moments I wasn't sure I was going to make it without loosing my mind but my mom kept me calm, helped SOOOOOO much entertaining the boys and 5hrs later we were home safe.

I hate saying good bye to her but overall all the driving was 100% worth it!  


I pride myself on the fact that Cole is a skilled climber and runner.  Ever since he was mobile at 6.5 months he has rarely fallen.  He learned to climb up stairs 3 days, yes 3 days, after he learned to crawl.  He learned how to climb down stairs on his belly at 7.5-8 months.  He learned to walk down stairs around 16 months and by 18 months he was walking/running down stairs without holding ANY railings.  He also been climbing anything that is shoulder level or lower since he was 13 months.  During all of his climbing adventures he has never taken a bad fall (knock in wood).  He's gotten hurt but nothing major.  So I figured when Cole got his first set of stitches it was going to be a major accident.  Boy, how I was wrong. 

Cole was running through the kitchen when he tripped.  There happened to be a wood step stool up against the wall that he fell into.  He hit the edge of the stool right above his right eye.  He let out a cry that made me rush to him.  I picked him up and hugged him for a few seconds.  I asked to look at it and low and behold there was a huge gash.  I called out to Brian that we needed to go the ER.  He loaded Cole in the car, bandaged his head and wished up good luck for the ER visit on a Saturday night.  By the time we got to ER Cole was his normal, happy, giggly self.  He thought the band aid on his head was funny, he chased the fish in the fish tank and waited like a good little boy.  

We got called back into a room where a not so nice nurse asked what happened, assessed the wound, cleaned the wound and agreed we needed stitches.  The doctor then came into the room and asked all of the same questions and made the same assessment.  They placed a numbing cream on his eye and we waited 45 minutes for the doctor.  The doctor came in and the nurse strapped Cole down.  They gave Cole lidocain (spelling??) to numb the cut even more and started with the stitches.  Cole was so brave.  He cried, who wouldn't, but he cried more out of being strapped down than anything else.  There was a volunteer who read stories to Cole to help keep his mind off what was actually happening.  

In the end Cole received 6 stitches, a trip to the toy treasure chest (he picked out a beach ball) and 3hrs in the ER.  The stitches have since been removed and it looks like he'll have minimum scaring.  

This is the best picture I have of his stitches.  A 2yr old really isn't one to sit still and let someone take a picture of his stitches