Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Why I didn't run 16 miles today...

Some may know this and some may not but I'm currently training for a marathon. I try to do the majority of my runs on trails, horse trails or streets that aren't so busy. Now that I'm getting up there in milage running on a major street is my only option.

Yesterday while running I found a good rhythm, the weather was perfect for 16 miles and I had the water to do it. My breathing was in sync with my music and pace and I felt good. I was 3.5 miles into my run when I heard a scrapping noise. Think of nails on a chalkboard x 1000. I look up and there is a trailer carrying 2 wave runner skidding towards me. I run a little faster turn around once I'm past the trailer and see the trailer jump the curve and hit a cement light pole. As I'm taking all this in and the driver is stopping I notice the pole swaying then CRASH! It came falling down in the middle of the street. There was a guy driving a Toyota tundra straight for the pole (while it was was falling) and I can remember screaming, "oh, God please stop!". He did with no more than a fist between his front bumper and the pole. It was a close call for both of us.

I went on to try to finish my run but my mind was else where. The what if's came flooding and I wanted to go home and hold my babies. I turned around after 4+ miles and ran as fast as I could to get home. I held both my boys, kissed them and realized these are the moments that make us realize how precious life is.

Tuesday I will aim for 16 miles!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Greyson's getting tubes

I'm sitting in bed feeding Greyson one last meal before the midnight cutoff comes before his 6am surgery. I'm going to begin this post with events that started 5 days ago.

Cole had a horrible cough, green snot and he began acting lethargic on Wednesday night. By Thursday morning I decided it was time to take Cole in to get checked out. I thought if I was there getting Cole checked out we might as well have Greyson looked at even though he had no symptoms. Cole was diagnosed with RSV and a sinus infection. Greyson also had a sinus infection but more disturbingly he was on his 4th double ear infection :(. We started the medicine right away. Monday Greyson seemed to be getting worse and I thought I Hearn him weazing. I took him in right away. The doctor checked him out and his chest was clear. He looked at his ears and they were worse :(. We talked about his history of ear infections and he suggested I see Dr. C right away. The doctor happen to have an opening at 12:30 today. The doctor took one look at his ears and said there was a lot of fluid in there. Then he asked what we were doing tomorrow? He showed me the tubes, fitted Greyson with earplugs to wear in water and scheduled surgery at 6am (now today).

My alarm will go off in 3 hours and 45 minutes. I need to pump, brush my teeth, drink a mountain dew, wake Greyson, get dressed and be in the car, along with Brian, no later than 4:15.

I am not overly nervous about the procedure but in the back of my mind the risks are playing over and over in my head. The only relief I feel is Greyson will no longer be in daily pain. He'll be able to lay down for more than 30 minutes and hopefully no more infections happen. Good night as I finish feeding Greyson and pray for a successful procedure and painless recovery!
I'll post an update (with pictures) once we're home.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Ready for Spring

I try so hard to remember to post blogs regularly.  As you can tell, my desire does not match reality.  There are days I start to write then life happens!  Someone is crying, hungry, has a dirty diaper, a play date is scheduled, dinner needs to get started, train for my marathon, play with the kids, sleep, talk to my husband, clean the house, do laundry, be a friend and so on.  Anyways, the reason I'm ready for Spring is on top of the list of stuff above Cole and Greyson have been really sick this past month.  Our house has had the flu, RSV, ear infections and sinus infections.  I'm ready for the constant warm weather, no runny noses, swimming pools and minimal colds. 

Come on Spring!

Greyson enjoying the jumper

Everything must past the taste test first

Free labor!

Cole has discovered the rope swings below out house.  He has SOOO much fun playing on them