Wednesday, September 1, 2010

It's been to long...

First, I want to apologize for not posting anything for months. I thought being on bed rest I would document my thoughts, feelings, experiences but the opposite happened. I didn't want to talk about it, write about it or think about it. I thought bed rest was going to be easy but the truth is it SUCKED! It sucked so bad I have second guessed having a third child (and I've always wanted a big family). It's not that I can't handle bed rest. The part that ate at my heart was not being able to do all I wanted, intended too with Cole. I felt like I short changed him 5 months of his life. I know in the grand scheme of things this is not true but at the moment I hated it and cried many times over it.

I am forever grateful for my family and friends who kept me entertained, laughing when I was in the hospital, bringing me food when I was hungry, my neighbors and fellow LDS friends who walked Zabdack all 5 months for me and all for the survival of my son. Not once did any of these amazing people ask for anything in return. I felt a love like I never have during this process.

Our son is finally here but I'll get to that post shortly!

Thank you will never be enough to express how thankful I am for the family and friends I have in my life!

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