My due date of December 25th, 2008 came and went with no signs of Cole being ready to enter this world. My doctor scheduled an induction for January 05th, 2009.
We checked into the hospital at 7:30am. Our nurse, Kathy, hooked the heart rate and contraction monitors up and we began our day. When she hooked me up to the monitors she commented I was having contractions every 2 minutes apart...but I felt nothing. She checked me then and I was closed tight but 95% effaced. She started me on pitocin at 9:30.
She up'd my pitocin every 30 minutes and at 11:30 a doctor came in to try to break my water...once again I was closed tight and he couldn't do anything. My DH and MIL went to lunch and get back at 1:10. We start talking and at 1:15 I felt a pop and next thing I know there is water rushing out of my body. I was totally laughing just saying over and over how gross it felt. Well, about 2 minutes after my water broke the contractions started. The nurse checked me again and she said I had to have at least a pinhole for my water to break but I was still closed pretty tight.
From 1:15 and 1:45 the contractions were every 1.5 apart and getting pretty intense. I ordered the epidural and at 3:30 the epidural was in place and relief had begun. I have to say anyone that labors naturally has my up most respect. I went from 1:15 to 3:30 and the pain was more than I could handle at points. Once the epi was in my nurse checked me again to see if she could manually dilate me. Well, she didn't need to I had gone from 0-4 in about 2.5 hours. What a relief that felt like.
The nurse came back in at 5:00 to check me and I was dilated to a 9. She called my doctor and he came to the hospital to check me out. He got there at 5:30 and said okay it's time to push. So I started pushing. My DH and I worked really well together and I have to say I would not have been able to get through it without him. I felt no pain (thanks to the epi) but pushing was so hard. I had begun to tear so we called the doctor in at 7:00 to help out. After one set of pushes he said that our son was to big to make it past the pelvic bone without any assistance. So he used a suction device to help Cole make it past the pelvic bone. At 7:13pm Cole entered this world.
Overall my delivery was very fast and easy. I could not have asked for a better first time birthing experience.
Birthday: January 05, 2009
Weight: 8lbs 10oz
Length: 21.5"
lots of blond, blond, blond hair and beautiful big blue eyes