Saturday, March 20, 2010

Mountain Lion

Cole, Zabdack and I were just finishing our evening walk on Thursday when I noticed Animal Control and Fish and Game in front of my next door neighbors house. He happened to be outside and I jokingly asked if he spotted a mountain lion. He started laughing and said well kind of. WHAT?!?!? So he went on to tell me what happened. Every day he takes his dogs out for a walk on the trail behind our homes. For two days his Golden Retriever kept running up a hill acting curious. So on the third day he decided to go check it out. He saw a dead deer. He didn't think much of it but decided to call Animal Control. They went and checked it out and Animal Control had confirmed a mountain lion kill and the said he needed to notify Fish and Game. When Animal Control and Fish and Game went back out to check the deer it had been buried. Meaning the mountain lion had intended on finishing his meal! Fish and Game commented that the lion would probably within in 100ft of them at that moment watching what they were doing. They decided it was best to remove the deer in hope the mountain lion will continue on his way and since it is a heavily used trail they didn't want anyone to come up on the lion while he was feasting.

I am a trail runner. I am not naive. I know there are mountain lions out there. My backyard is in the woods, I know that there is a possibility of a mountain lion roaming my yard. Even though I know this I don't really expect it to happen! So when a fresh kill was located less than a quarter mile from my backyard and on a trail Zabdack and I use every weekend and in a spot Zabdack and I walk past every weekend it hit close to home. I am not going to stop using the trails around me but I will stop using them alone.

Here are a few pictures of our backyard

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