Sunday, November 1, 2009

Happy Halloween!!

Cole had so much fun his first Halloween. On our first outing we went to the The Circle of Orange with his cousin B. The Circle of Orange closes down their streets to allow trick-or-treaters to walk from store to store. Since Cole isn't walking he strolled in style to each store. He wasn't into the candy as much as he was into all the other costumes. After several stores Cole and B were getting bored so we went to a grassy area to let them play together.

As the boys get older it is fun watching them interact and play together. Cole had always been the bigger of the two but over the past 2 months B is passing Cole. B is finally starting to take Cole down :)

We could never get them to look at the camera at the same time. Oh well, maybe next year!
Happy Halloween!!!

1 comment:

  1. OMG...I didn't even know you blog'd. Yeah. I added you to our favorites so now I can follow you and your ever so DARLING little guy. Cole is a cutie!

