Saturday, January 1, 2011

Getting ready for Santa

Last year when we went to visit Santa, Cole was not happy and cried the entire time.  This year, Cole was still no fan!  However, he did sit there so I could take a few pictures.  Greyson on the other hand thought Santa was a pretty cool dude.

We also made lots of cookies this Christmas season.  We made several batches at home but we made a special trip to aunt T's house for a day of cookie decorating and lots of playing with R. 

Lastly, to get ready for Santa we needed to buy a Christmas tree.  I set out, picked out the perfect Stevens tree and brought it home to decorate.  With my mothers help we were able to get Christmas setup in about 30 minutes.  I swear she has the energy of a 2yr old!

1 comment:

  1. Love the pic of Cole drinking the sprinkles. :) Glad your holidays went well. Great holiday decorations!
