Saturday, June 18, 2011

Some fun Videos

It amazes me how the boys keep changing before my eyes.  I feel so honored, blessed and excited they have picked me as their mother.  Enjoy!

Playing rough

Climbing Stairs

My Lion, No My Lion, NNNOOO MINE

How to keep a 2yr old tired

Cole and Greyson singing at music class

Friday, June 10, 2011

Trip to Texas

My husband is from Texas and 95% of his family still resides there.  Therefore, we try to make it back at least once a year.  It was important to us to get back soon because the boys great grandfather is there and we wanted him to meet Greyson and see how big Cole is getting.  We decided to make the trip Easter week.  Flying with three kids (my husband counts as a child when flying) and myself was not as easy as flying with just one.  Man, it was work!  Cole didn't want to be strapped down and I had to bribe him with chips, candy, coke, I tried money but that doesn't work yet, and anything else not strapped to the plane.  Brian was so nervous keeping the plane in the air (with his mind) that he was almost deemed useless and Greyson just wanted to nurse.  When we landed I wanted to kiss the ground! 

It was a wonderful weekend filled with Easter Egg hunts, touring of Dallas Stadium, lots of spoiling from grand parents, aunts, uncles and cousins, good food and company.  I wish we lived closure to to his Texas family.  We miss them already and I am planning a trip hopefully before the end of the year.

Here are some pictures of our visit.
Look mom, I see our plane
Getting ready to board his first plane ride.

Getting ready to go on his first big boy ride

PawPaw playing catch with Cole at Dallas Stadium

Love this picture! 

4 Generations of Stevens at their favorite sports venue

Cole throwing a football to daddy

Greyson playing in the foam legos

Cowboy Stadium lockroom.  Maybe we have a future Dallas Cowboy?!?!?!

One of my all time favorite pictures!! Daddy and Cole feeding the cat fish off the Grapevine Lake

Proud grandparents!

Happy Easter

time for a little swim

Cole and Greyson helping PawPaw blow out his candles celebrating his 90th birthday


Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Weight Loss and Marathon Update

After I had Greyson I had a goal of loosing weight and running a marathon.  I am happy to report today I have accomplished both goals!  (original post: weighed 184lbs the day I went into labor and my goal weight was 140lbs.  8.5 months later, I am there (okay, I'm 2lbs away but I'm still rejoicing).  I did nothing other than run to loose the weight.  I tried to give up soda and after a month of no soda and no weight loss, I thought why the hell am I giving this up when it makes no impact on my weight loss journey so soda creeped back into my diet.  I am still exclusively nursing so I do not plan to loose anymore weight but after I'm done nursing I will start weight training and toning things up.

I DID IT!  MARATHON NUMBER THREE is checked off the bucket list.   I was lucky enough to run the race with a life long friend, H, who I have known since the 4th grade.  We grew up playing chase, running around the neighborhood so we figured why not add a marathon to our list of things we've done together.  H did a fantastic job.  I tried to prepare him for the mental aspect of running a marathon but I'm afraid my warnings weren't truly understood till we were on mile 18.  At mile 18 H needed to stop due to being dizzy (not a good symptom to have in a 26.2 mile run).  He laid down, had some ice chips, a salt packet and a long talk with himself.  After 10 minutes, I was so proud to see him stand up and say let's do this!  I think in that moment he learned a lot about himself.  I've had that moment in my past marathons and to be honest it is THAT moment that has me running more.  I love learning more about myself and what I can accomplish when I put my mind to something.  I am so proud we crossed the finish line together holding our hands high and rejoicing.  It was an experience I'll never forget.

I plan on running the Long beach Marathon in October 2011.  My goal for that race is to get under 5hr.  I'm taking a week off of training then I'm hitting the trails again :)

Have I ever mentioned how much I love to run?!?!?!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Why I didn't run 16 miles today...

Some may know this and some may not but I'm currently training for a marathon. I try to do the majority of my runs on trails, horse trails or streets that aren't so busy. Now that I'm getting up there in milage running on a major street is my only option.

Yesterday while running I found a good rhythm, the weather was perfect for 16 miles and I had the water to do it. My breathing was in sync with my music and pace and I felt good. I was 3.5 miles into my run when I heard a scrapping noise. Think of nails on a chalkboard x 1000. I look up and there is a trailer carrying 2 wave runner skidding towards me. I run a little faster turn around once I'm past the trailer and see the trailer jump the curve and hit a cement light pole. As I'm taking all this in and the driver is stopping I notice the pole swaying then CRASH! It came falling down in the middle of the street. There was a guy driving a Toyota tundra straight for the pole (while it was was falling) and I can remember screaming, "oh, God please stop!". He did with no more than a fist between his front bumper and the pole. It was a close call for both of us.

I went on to try to finish my run but my mind was else where. The what if's came flooding and I wanted to go home and hold my babies. I turned around after 4+ miles and ran as fast as I could to get home. I held both my boys, kissed them and realized these are the moments that make us realize how precious life is.

Tuesday I will aim for 16 miles!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Greyson's getting tubes

I'm sitting in bed feeding Greyson one last meal before the midnight cutoff comes before his 6am surgery. I'm going to begin this post with events that started 5 days ago.

Cole had a horrible cough, green snot and he began acting lethargic on Wednesday night. By Thursday morning I decided it was time to take Cole in to get checked out. I thought if I was there getting Cole checked out we might as well have Greyson looked at even though he had no symptoms. Cole was diagnosed with RSV and a sinus infection. Greyson also had a sinus infection but more disturbingly he was on his 4th double ear infection :(. We started the medicine right away. Monday Greyson seemed to be getting worse and I thought I Hearn him weazing. I took him in right away. The doctor checked him out and his chest was clear. He looked at his ears and they were worse :(. We talked about his history of ear infections and he suggested I see Dr. C right away. The doctor happen to have an opening at 12:30 today. The doctor took one look at his ears and said there was a lot of fluid in there. Then he asked what we were doing tomorrow? He showed me the tubes, fitted Greyson with earplugs to wear in water and scheduled surgery at 6am (now today).

My alarm will go off in 3 hours and 45 minutes. I need to pump, brush my teeth, drink a mountain dew, wake Greyson, get dressed and be in the car, along with Brian, no later than 4:15.

I am not overly nervous about the procedure but in the back of my mind the risks are playing over and over in my head. The only relief I feel is Greyson will no longer be in daily pain. He'll be able to lay down for more than 30 minutes and hopefully no more infections happen. Good night as I finish feeding Greyson and pray for a successful procedure and painless recovery!
I'll post an update (with pictures) once we're home.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Ready for Spring

I try so hard to remember to post blogs regularly.  As you can tell, my desire does not match reality.  There are days I start to write then life happens!  Someone is crying, hungry, has a dirty diaper, a play date is scheduled, dinner needs to get started, train for my marathon, play with the kids, sleep, talk to my husband, clean the house, do laundry, be a friend and so on.  Anyways, the reason I'm ready for Spring is on top of the list of stuff above Cole and Greyson have been really sick this past month.  Our house has had the flu, RSV, ear infections and sinus infections.  I'm ready for the constant warm weather, no runny noses, swimming pools and minimal colds. 

Come on Spring!

Greyson enjoying the jumper

Everything must past the taste test first

Free labor!

Cole has discovered the rope swings below out house.  He has SOOO much fun playing on them


Monday, March 7, 2011

Viva Las Vegas

My sister called me three weeks ago and asked if we had any plans for 03/02 to 03/04 and if not would we want to come meet her and her husband in Vegas.  That was a no brainer!  We would be there!  Brian didn't want me driving 5hrs by myself so I asked my mom if she wanted to come and of course her answer was yes as well. 

The trip out was pretty uneventful.  Greyson cried a little, we stopped while I feed him and my mom took Cole to stretch his legs.  We made about 4 stops and got to Vegas in a little over 5hrs.  I was so great to see my sister.  It had been over 15 months and boy have I missed her smile, her laugh and her in general.  Even though we talk daily and I feel extremely close to her seeing her was amazing!  I was so happy to introduce her to Greyson and I know Cole loved playing with his aunt and uncle! 

The first night we walked around a few hours and played the tourist.  Cole slept most of the time in the stroller and Greyson was passed out in the baby carrier. 

On the second day we meet up for breakfast and then do what we do best...go outlet mall shopping :)  We had a wonderful afternoon of giggles, sharing stories and the boys were spoiled with kisses. 

2pm came way to fast but and it was time to hit the road. Greyson wasn't as good as a traveler coming home and there were moments I wasn't sure I was going to make it without loosing my mind but my mom kept me calm, helped SOOOOOO much entertaining the boys and 5hrs later we were home safe.

I hate saying good bye to her but overall all the driving was 100% worth it!  


I pride myself on the fact that Cole is a skilled climber and runner.  Ever since he was mobile at 6.5 months he has rarely fallen.  He learned to climb up stairs 3 days, yes 3 days, after he learned to crawl.  He learned how to climb down stairs on his belly at 7.5-8 months.  He learned to walk down stairs around 16 months and by 18 months he was walking/running down stairs without holding ANY railings.  He also been climbing anything that is shoulder level or lower since he was 13 months.  During all of his climbing adventures he has never taken a bad fall (knock in wood).  He's gotten hurt but nothing major.  So I figured when Cole got his first set of stitches it was going to be a major accident.  Boy, how I was wrong. 

Cole was running through the kitchen when he tripped.  There happened to be a wood step stool up against the wall that he fell into.  He hit the edge of the stool right above his right eye.  He let out a cry that made me rush to him.  I picked him up and hugged him for a few seconds.  I asked to look at it and low and behold there was a huge gash.  I called out to Brian that we needed to go the ER.  He loaded Cole in the car, bandaged his head and wished up good luck for the ER visit on a Saturday night.  By the time we got to ER Cole was his normal, happy, giggly self.  He thought the band aid on his head was funny, he chased the fish in the fish tank and waited like a good little boy.  

We got called back into a room where a not so nice nurse asked what happened, assessed the wound, cleaned the wound and agreed we needed stitches.  The doctor then came into the room and asked all of the same questions and made the same assessment.  They placed a numbing cream on his eye and we waited 45 minutes for the doctor.  The doctor came in and the nurse strapped Cole down.  They gave Cole lidocain (spelling??) to numb the cut even more and started with the stitches.  Cole was so brave.  He cried, who wouldn't, but he cried more out of being strapped down than anything else.  There was a volunteer who read stories to Cole to help keep his mind off what was actually happening.  

In the end Cole received 6 stitches, a trip to the toy treasure chest (he picked out a beach ball) and 3hrs in the ER.  The stitches have since been removed and it looks like he'll have minimum scaring.  

This is the best picture I have of his stitches.  A 2yr old really isn't one to sit still and let someone take a picture of his stitches

Friday, February 18, 2011

Guess whose eating solids :)

Greyson had his first taste of rice cereal tonight.  He seemed to really enjoy it.  I'm getting excited to start making his baby food.  I have a ton of combos I want to try on Greyson. 


Tuesday, February 15, 2011

5 Months

Greyson O'Connor Stevens has been in our life for 5 months now.  I sit back and think where has the time gone?!?!  I swear time did not go by so quickly when Cole was this young.  I am trying to remember to cherish this time with Greyson.  I am soaking in as many laughs, smiles and quiet moments we have together.  '

To say Greyson loves Cole would not do their relationship justice.  Cole plays with Greyson everyday.  He will play toys with him, asks to hold him at least 10 times a day, cuddles with him, tries to teach him how to roll a ball.  Whenever Cole comes into the room, Greyson lights up and starts to giggle.  I feel so honored to watch this friendship grow and become stronger by the day.  BTW, I know they will have their moments of not getting along but for now they mean the world to one another. 

Greyson is growing and learning everyday.  He now reaches for toys, puts everything in his mouth, including his toes (my favorite baby pose), he can sit up for brief periods of time, he plays in his exosaucer, he rolls from his belly to back on a regular basis and is almost rolling from back to belly; however, his arm keeps getting in the way :)  I'm sure we're just days away from it being a regular part of his day.

Weight: 15lbs 7oz
Height: 27" long

Video of Greyson giggling!

His eyes get bluer by the day


Cole playing with Greyson

Daily cuddles after naptime

The face of an angel!

Monday, January 17, 2011


To me picking a pediatrician is like selecting a spouse.  You interview various candidates (dating), you check out their office (seeing his apartment for the first time), meet their staff (like meeting the family).  When you select a pediatrician it's an 18 year commitment.  In the US sadly, the relationship with our doctors has a higher probability of lasting longer than a marriage. 

So, when I selected a pediatrician for my boys it was with the mindset that this would be our doctor for the next 18+ years.  I made sure he was a single practitioner, we had similar vaccination schedules, he was someone that enjoyed working with children, knowledgeable, with a good sense of humor and mostly I trusted him with my sons lives. 

I found this doctor and I love him.  He listens to me, hears my concerns and talks me through my worries.  So, on Cole's 2nd well check we had a long discussion about Cole and his lack of words.  See, Cole only has a few words; mama, dada, more, owww, ohhhh, wow, ouch and yes.  All my friends with children Cole's age are speaking 3-5 word sentences.  Dr. A had me bring in a video of Cole working puzzles, mimicking me with letter and sounds and playing.  He watched all my videos, closed my laptop and said..."he's fine"  My reply was but he doesn't talk.  Dr. A assured me that what he saw on the video indicated that yes, he's a late talker and only a late talker.  So, I will continue to work with Cole an hour+ a day working on sounds, words and hopefully he'll start talking soon.  That's why I did my homework before to find someone I trust and I trust his opinion

I trust Dr. A and for now I won't worry.  When family or friends ask if I'm worried I'll smile and say," Nope.  He right on HIS schedule!"

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Happy Birthday, Cole!

Where have the days, weeks, months and now years gone?!?!  I have been a mother for 2 years.  It doesn't seem like to 2 years but Cole is living proof :)

I have made mistakes, both good and bad decisions, I have questioned myself (almost daily) and I have laughed at myself all in the name of motherhood.  At the end of the day my son is healthy, mostly happy, loving and caring.  I think Brian and I are doing a decent job so far :)

Today for Cole's birthday we did a lot!  We had a play date with J at Central Park, then we went and picked out his birthday cupcake, then home for his nap and when he woke daddy surprised him with coming home early.  We decided to take Cole to Wasabi (equivalent to Benni Hana's) then home for cupcakes and presents.  

The cook at Wasbi was the best. He created fire bombs for Cole over and over to keep Cole engaged.  Cole ate with chopsticks and drank lots of soda (its his birthday).  

His drum set was a huge success.  We actually had a hard time getting him to bed tonight b/c all he wanted to do was play his drums. 

I hope you enjoy the video!

Happy Birthday, Cole!  Mommy and Daddy are beyond proud of the little man you are turning into.    

Happy Birthday, Cole
Cole enjoying his drum set

Greyson being cute on Cole's birthday

Cole watcing the fire bombs

Birthday Cupcakes are the best

Someone enjoyed their cupcake

My little drummer

action shot

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Christmas Morning

This Christmas was the most fun by far.  Cole still doesn't understand the concept of Santa but don't worry I'm working on that.  By next year, I think he'll understand and help me with the countdown.  Greyson was a trooper this Christmas and sat in his exosaucer (delivered by Santa himself) watching Cole open all the presents and play with the stocking suffers.  I am very blessed to have such an amazing family!

Christmas Morning

I hope you enjoy the pictures and video!
Cole & his new train set from G-ma & g-pa E

Christmas Morning

Greyson and his exosaucer

Greyson passed out after opening presents

golf thingy :)

Christmas aftermath

Getting ready for Santa

Last year when we went to visit Santa, Cole was not happy and cried the entire time.  This year, Cole was still no fan!  However, he did sit there so I could take a few pictures.  Greyson on the other hand thought Santa was a pretty cool dude.

We also made lots of cookies this Christmas season.  We made several batches at home but we made a special trip to aunt T's house for a day of cookie decorating and lots of playing with R. 

Lastly, to get ready for Santa we needed to buy a Christmas tree.  I set out, picked out the perfect Stevens tree and brought it home to decorate.  With my mothers help we were able to get Christmas setup in about 30 minutes.  I swear she has the energy of a 2yr old!